Asset management & Asset Inventory

Asset management & Asset Inventory

Asset Management & Asset inventory services are found in the range of IT services and solutions we offer to our users. An IT asset represents both hardware (servers, routers, computers), software (applications and systems) and confidential information about these components. Virtually any IT asset represents both data, devices and any other component that supports IT activity.

Asset management is the activity of asset management, most often in the IT field the assets related to infrastructure management are managed. These are:

  • the equipment,
  • consumables,
  • IT devices

through which the company runs its business.

Asset inventory refers to how the company documents and provides details about its IT assets. In the case of IT inventory, tangible assets – equipment – and non-tangible assets, such as intellectual property over them, are also taken into account.

At DOMINObyte we provide asset management & asset inventory services to our clients. This ensures that we provide a set of tools and practices used to:

  • manage,
  • maintain,
  • fix

IT infrastructure and equipment of our users.

10 +

Years of experience

500 +

Happy customers

50 +

New clients

In this way, we keep track of the company’s assets and maintain them in the best operational condition. This reduces the chances of failures, prolongs the life span and improves the performance and productivity of the company.

DOMINObyte also offers its users asset inventory services, a set of tools and practices through which we monitor the company’s inventory and analyze features such as:

  • their physical location,
  • maintenance requirements,
  • performance,
  • possible disposal of assets.

Why choose us?

The 80 IT engineers currently support Romanian and foreign companies.

  • We work with companies from the USA, France, Spain, Italy, etc.
  • We manage over 20.000 pieces of equipment.
  • We have continuously increased our turnover and our number of customers since the establishment of the company.

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